Synergi blog
Our blog covers topics related to the Synergi app, efficient and responsible electricity use tips and much more!
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Company News
Synergi Plans for 2023: Launching our product to the public, new features and much more
Company News
Company News
Synergi suunnitelmat vuodelle 2023
Company News
Demand Response
Mikä ihmeen varttitase?
Demand Response
Electric Vehicles
Heat Pumps
Solar Panels
Smart Charging
Kuinka säästää ja tienata sähköauton latauksessa
Electric Vehicles
Smart Charging
Smart Charging
Sähköauton älylataus – säästä rahaa ja luontoa
Electric Vehicles
Smart Charging
Demand Response
Demand Response
Miten säästää sähkölaskussa?
Climate Action
Demand Response
Electric Vehicles
Heat Pumps
Smart Charging
Demand Response
Kysyntäjoustot ja kulutusjoustot - mitä ne tarkoittavat käytännössä?
Demand Response
Demand Response
How you can you benefit from smart electricity consumption at home
Climate Action
Solar Charging
Smart Charging
Electric Vehicles
Heat Pumps
Demand Response
Why are electricity prices so high and volatile?
Demand Response
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